CPI 资讯 No. 738

作者:理赔二部 郑宇辉










据Africa P&I 和Budd Togo两家通代反馈,罚款案件适用条款的不同,对条款解读的不同,都可能影响到最终罚款金额。这些走私罚款之所以如此之高,是因为他们的计算依据是交换物品的价值,再加上所有相关船舶估值的两倍,以及对交换的物品和船舶的估值征收28%至49%的关税。而且在这些案件中,海关均拒绝对罚款进行商讨,除非罚单被签字,这也导致船舶被滞留的时间延长。


Art 361

The following shall be liable to confiscation of the object of fraud, confiscation of the means of transport, confiscation of objects used to conceal the fraud, a fine equal to four times the value of the objects confiscated and imprisonment of between one and three years.

Customs Code Article 60 - Paragraph 2

No goods can be discharged or transferred without written authorization from Customs. Discharge and transfer operations must take place in the presence of Customs at the times and under the conditions decided by the General Commissioner.

Customs Code Article 340- Paragraph 1

Captains of ships,boats,vessels and aircraft are considered liable for any omissions or inexact information found in their cargo manifests and, generally speaking, for any infringements committed on board their vessel or aircraft.

Customs Code Article 359 - Paragraph 1

The following offences are punishable by confiscation of the object of fraud, confiscation of the means of transport, confiscation of objects used to conceal the fraud, a fine equal to double the value of the object of fraud and imprisonment of between three months and one year any act of smuggling as well as any act of import or export without declaration when these offences relate to goods in the category of those which are prohibited or heavily taxed on entry, or prohibited or taxed on exit.

The term of imprisonment is increased to a maximum of ten years and the fine may be up to five times the value of the object of the fraud when the acts of smuggling, importing or exporting concern goods that are dangerous to public health, morals or safety, the list of which is determined by order of the Minister of Finance.

Customs Code Article 369 - Paragraph 2

The following are deemed to be undeclared imports: Those items which are prohibited or heavily taxed on entry or liable to internal taxes discovered on board ships within the limits of commercial ports or roads which were not duly included in the cargo and the ship's store declarations presented before inspection.

Customs Code Article 372 - Paragraph 1

The following are deemed imports without declaration of prohibited goods: fraudulent disembarkation of articles cited in article 369, paragraph 2.





◾  违反《国际海上避碰规则》及国家航行安全法规。

◾  违反当地交管部门发出的航行指令。

◾  船舶贸易单证过期。

◾  船舶货量与提单不符,短货或溢卸。

◾  海关报表,舱单和船员名单不符合规定。

◾  船舶证书缺失或过期。

◾  船员证书确实、过期或未在签名处签字。

◾  船上物料、备件、药品和船员个人物品申报不完整,不合规。

◾  船舶药房内存在有过期的药品。

◾  船上的伙食口粮过期。

◾  对海洋环境造成污染行为。

◾  违反MARPOL公约的要求。

◾  船上有偷渡者。

◾  船员未经许可离船。

◾  船员在港口区域钓鱼。

◾  船舶在港期间违规作业,动火、维修、油漆、上下物品等。

◾  船舶悬挂旗帜错误。

◾  在港口检查或海事调查中提供虚假证据。




◾  在航次指令下达后,船长应尽早向当地代理了解港口当局的政策要求,及早准备到港资料。

◾  制定航次计划应参考航路指南、进港指南、代理信息和当地港口资料等信息,重要提示信息应在电子海图或船长命令上突出标注。

◾  到港前安全会议必不可少,船长应告知船员港口规章制度,特别是涉及到罚款的事宜。

◾  船舶到港后,应严格遵守国际海事公约法规和港口的规定。

◾  船舶报关单要做到详尽和精准,船员名单及时更新,过境货物也不要忘记申报。

◾  定期检查船舶和船员证书,有过期的尽快申报,不要忽略船员证书的签名。

◾  船舶在港期间任何涉及安全和环保的作业,应与代理确认是否需要向港口报备。

◾  严令禁止船员与渔民和码头工人等进行以物易物,船舶采购、接收、卸下物品都应经过正规渠道,并提前和代理确认申报。

◾  如遇港口检查或海事调查,一定要实事求是,不得弄虚作假,特别是不能提供书面形式的伪证。

◾  发生罚款或产生罚款威胁时,请及时联系协会或当地通代。



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